Elemental Associations aka Correspondences

These Elemental Associations (AKA correspondences) are taken from my video series The Elemental Path. As such, this is a rather long post.

Remember that these associations are not fixed in stone. The important thing is what the Elements mean to you. In other words, what is the unique symbolism that rings true for you?

And, as I’ve said before, these are drawn from numerous sources including Crowley’s 777.


The Direction of Air is East. That’s the standard direction for East in most European systems based on 4 or 5 Elements. You may have a reason to associate Air, or any of the other Elements, with a different direction. Hang onto that thought. I will be talking about that later on in the series. <Note: For that please see my video Euro-centric Paganism>

The East Wind is commonly called Eurus

Two of the Principle Attributes of Air are Intelligence & Reason. Some other attributes are Abstract Learning, Intuition, the Mind in general, & Theory.

The time of Day usually associated with Air is Dawn, and the season is Spring

Senses: How about Smell? Think about it and you’ll figure out why.

Divination is not my strong suit, all pun intended, so you may want to consult with people who are practiced in the particular divination you work with to determine those associations.

In Tarot the Suit is Swords and two of the Major Arcana cards are The Fool and The Magician.

Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius

Colors: This is important in your choice of ritual candles. The Colors commonly associated with Air are sky blue, which is a little obvious, pale gold, purple, & yellow.

Tools are an important part of any ritual or spellwork. These could include bows, censors, fans, and Incenses in general. Some particular Incenses are Myrrh, Frankincense, & Galbanum. Athames may also be associated with Air in some uses.

While this is not an association I use, you way want to do so because of your own personal belief system. The Archangel most closely associated with Air is Raphael.

Elementals and Mythical Creatures: Some of these are Harpies, Sylphs, & Faeries

There are far too many Deities to list here, but some of the more common Air Deities are Athena, Arianhrod, Aurora, Hermes, Isis, Nuit, Orpheus, Osiris, Thoth, Urania, & aspects of Zeus.

Fauna: Flying insects in general, Butterflies and Dragonflies in particular, although you may also associate dragonflies with Water. Birds in general. Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons in particular are symbolic of Air. Owls are also used sometimes due to the wisdom and intellect associated with them in folklore, although in my thinking they are more closely associated with another Element. You want a hint of which one? Think of a popular series about a young boy wizard.

Some Flora are Aspen, Air Ferns, Pansy, Primrose, Vervain, Violets, & Yarrow

Stones and Gems? Alexandrite, Amethyst, Chalcedony, Ivory, Topaz, Turquoise, Yellow Fluorite

And finally a couple of miscellaneous Associations: Wind Instruments, & self-awareness


The commonly used direction for Fire is South. Yep, pretty amusing considering what I said earlier.

The South Wind is Notus

I’ve already mentioned some of the Principle Attributes; Passion, Anger, Lust, The Creative Spark

The Time of Day associated with Fire is Noon and the Season is Summer

The Primary Sense is Vision

In Tarot the Suit is Wands and some of the Major Arcana cards are The Emperor, The Wheel of Fortune, and The Tower. The Astrological Signs are Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius

How about colors? Orange and Crimson. Yeah, I could have just said Red, but Crimson sounds so much cooler.

And the Ritual Tools are Wands, candles, and lamps.

The Archangel is Michael

Some Elementals and Mythical Creatures are Fire Dragons, Ashim, Djinn, salamanders, and, of course, the Phoenix. Ask anyone in Arizona…

And some Deities are Brid or Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Hephaestus, Horus, Loki, Vulcan, and Apollo.

For Fauna, Lions, lizards, and scorpions. And on the Flora side Cacti (again, just ask anyone in Arizona), cinnamon, mustard, hot peppers, hibiscus, ginger, Joshua trees, garlic, cedar, yucca

Stones and Gems: Fire opal, volcanic rock, ruby, carnelian, rhodochrosite, agates

Miscellaneous Associations: the Holy Ghost of Christianity which is almost always depicted with a fire symbol, deserts (yep, last time I’m going to mention Arizona…Promise), and brass instruments.


The standard direction for Water is West

The west wind is Zephyrus

The Principle Attributes? The range of emotions. It’s hard to narrow it down much more than that. Even anger, in the realm of Fire, can stem from sadness, which is Water.

Time of Day is Twilight into Night and the season is Autumn

Primary Sense is Taste

In Tarot Suit the suit is Cups… Go figure. The Major Arcana cards: The High Priestess, The Chariot, The Hanged Man, Death, The Moon, & Judgment. The Water signs in Astrology are Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces

Colors: Deep Blue, Sea Green, Aquamarine

The ritual tools are Cauldrons, Mirrors, Bowls, Chalices

The Archangel is Gabriel

Some Elementals and Mythical Creatures associated with Water are Sea Serpents, Selkies, Undine, Mers, & Sirens

Deities: Aphrodite, Isis, Mari, Tiamat, Dylan, Manannan, Oceanus, Osiris, Neptune, and Poseidon

Fauna? Amphibians in general, Dolphins, Wales, Fish in general, Crustaceans, Seals and Walruses, Penguins, Sea Gulls and other sea birds

Some Flora are Lotus, Water Lilies, Water Ferns, Rushes, Mosses

Some Stones and Gems: Aquamarine, beryl, azurite, blue lace agate, pearl, coral, lapis lazuli, & moonstone

Miscellaneous Associations include The Moon & the Tides. Again, go figure.


The traditional Direction is North

The North Wind is Boreas.

The Principle Attributes? Of course Grounding and Stability

The Time of Day is Midnight and the Season is Winter

Primary Sense: Touch

Tarot Suit: Coins or Pentacles and the Major Arcana cards are The Empress, The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Devil, The World

Astrological Signs? Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Colors: Brown, forest green, earth-tones

Tools: The Horn, antlers, stones and salt. A couple of notes on Earth tools: 1st, if you use antlers or bones of some sort, please make sure you bless and purify them first! And 2nd, coarse salt is better for ritual use than table salt. It may seem weird, but I use Kosher salt which is a coarse salt.

The Archangel is Uriel

What about Elementals and Mythical Creatures? Gnomes, Dwarves, Brownies, Dryads, Wood Nymphs. The list can go on for a long time.

Deities: Gaia, Herne, Cernunos, Pan, Ceres or Demeter, Dyonisius or Bacchus, and Diana. This list can also go on for quite some time.

Fauna: Cattle, Deer, Earth-bound animals, Crawling Insects

And Flora? Wow! Way too numerous to list although the Oak is the primary tree and it’s symbolic of the Druids, and ancient Celts.

Stones and Gems: Coal, Emerald, Peridot, Tiger Eye, Onyx, Bloodstone, Amber.

Miscellaneous Associations: Bass drums and deeper percussion instruments


Direction: Center

Wind: The Astral wind

Principle attributes: Will and discipline

Tarot: All of the cards in general and the Major Arcana in particular. Also all means of foretelling the future can be thought of as associated with Spirit; be it Tarot, Astrology, or whatever means you use.

Colors: Pure white and black

I mentioned one tool in the last vid. Yes, a bell is a tool, but the most important too in any ritual is You

Archangel: Well obviously all angels and celestial beings

Similarly, all Gods and Goddesses may be said to represent Spirit, but Hecate is commonly referred to as the Goddess of the Witches.

Fauna and Flora? All living creatures and plants.

Now, Ravens or Crows, which are actually part of the same species with the main difference being the size, may be seen as representative of Spirit as they are said, in many different mythos, to carry the souls of people to and from the physical plain. Owls can also be thought of as representative of Spirit. Just ask JK Rowling. Of course she did borrow that from mythology. Owls were used to carry messages from the Gods.

Hmmm, and what do those particular representatives of fauna have in common?

Miscellaneous Associations: Dreams and the Astral Realm.